The mission statement of the Herb Society of America is to "promote the knowledge, use and delight of herbs through educational programs, research and sharing the experience of its members with the community".

   The Society is committed to protecting our global environment for the health and well-being of humankind and all growing things. We encourage gardeners to practice environmentally sound horticulture.

   The Motto of the Society is taken from the herbalist, John Parkinson: "For Use and Delight"

Program Info

April Meeting: "The Beauty of Wildflowers" Presentation and Herbal Shoppe
When: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
10 am - 12:30 pm
Where: Wimberley Presbyterian Church
956 FM2325, Wimberley, TX 78676
RSVP to Lisa Valentine at

2023-2024 Calendar of Events
Herb of the Month - May 2024
(Click on the image below for recipes)Herb of the Month

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  Lavandula angustifolia is known as English lavender, true lavender, fine lavender and common lavender. It is generally hardy between zones 5 to 9.

  Lavindin, L. x intermedia is a cross between common lavender and spike lavender L. latifolia. 'Grosso' is a variety which, among others, produces much of the world's lavender essential oil. This oil is used in products such as soaps and lotions. 'Provence' is another variety of L. x intermedia that can be used for cooking as well as soaps and lotions. These varieties are not generally used in aromatherapy or the perfume industry.

  Lavender prefers to grow in full sun of 6 or more hours per day and benefits from afternoon shade in hot climates. It will tolerate partial shade but it will produce fewer flowers and leggy growth.

  Grow lavender in well-drained soil which can be amended with gravel or sand, and be kept on the dry side once established. It will grow well in the ground, raised beds and in containers with minimal fertilizer. Ideal growing conditions include low humidity and good air circulation.

  L. angustifolia flowers are quite often the preferred lavender for use in teas, cookies and other confections as well as savory dishes. Lavender is a component of "Herbes de Provence" and Lady Grey Tea.

  Some varieties of lavender used for culinary purposes include: 'Provence' (L. x intermedia) for meats and savory dishes, and 'Royal Velvet', 'Betty's Blue' and 'Melissa' which are all L. angustifolia. Taste a lavender bud for flavor to determine suitability for culinary uses.

  According to The Lavender Association, there are over 45 species of lavender, with more yet to be classified, and more than 450 varieties.

  Since Roman times, lavender has been used for healing, washing, repelling insects and for its antiseptic qualities.

  Lavender was considered effective against infection in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when the plague and cholera ran rampant.

  Roman soldiers took lavender with them to dress war wounds as well as the other healing properties known at the time. These included treating upset stomachs, kidney disorders, dropsy, jaundice and easing insect bites.

  Lavender was used to treat head lice in the twelfth century and up to 1874 in France.

  During World War I, lavender oil and sphagnum moss were used together to dress war wounds since antiseptics were in short supply at the time.

  Historically lavender has been used to treat depression, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue. Current research supports the calming, soothing and sedative effects of lavender when inhaled.

  While both the foliage and flowers are fragrant, typically flower buds are harvested and dried to scent potpourri, sleep pillows and other projects.

Web Links of Interest:

  Herb Society of America
  Austin Herb Society
  North Texas Herb Society
  South Texas Herb Society
  San Antonio Herb Society

Member Benefits:

  Free or discounted admissions to participating gardens and arboreta nationwide though AHS Reciprocal Garden Program

  Specialized district and annual meetings

  Connection to fellow herb enthusiasts through the exclusive, online HSA Membership Directory

  Subscription to the annual journal THE HERBARIST as well as national and district newsletters

  Admission to the members-only section of HSA's website, which includes special educational programs